: Saturday, April 28, 2012


                                                                                                                                    thank you ~


well Hello guys ~ How are you ? Me ? *pointing at myself* Alhamdulillah, fine. By the way, its been a long time i don't update this blogger. i could see many spider web here. heheh . Today , i want to talk about bersih 3.0 . You guys must know this right ? I know, maybe i'm not suitable to talk about this political issues. But this is about our country . Our Nation ! We want the real leader who can lead us to to the good things . Hurm, okay . i really take care of this issues because as we heard there were many bad issue we heard about our politics. Guys, i want you to open your mind about this. Back to the issue , I saw a video that was recorded by someone . I cannot denied that , there were many people there. In addition, im not agree with the police's action . Hello ! they even tried to kill them  ! some of them , was bleeding with blood after the polices' violence . OMG! Are they do not have a brain . These people just do some demo not wanted to fight . hello , wake up . this things just make that our country bad in the eyes of other country . I think, i dont want to talk about this more. I will share you the video ;)

P/s : i'm just give some opanion . btw, peacee ~
: Friday, November 4, 2011


Hi there , it's been awhile i'm not update this blog . Actually , i'm lazy to update it . cut it off.
I had exams in last month for 3 weeks. OMG ! for the first week , were malay , english , history , math and PQS . The second week all science subjects . The second week , i think i wanna die but thank god 1 subject for one day . it's not hard like the old exams . The third week, the best . I only had chemistry 3 paper and not forget , i had pendidikan sivik and pendidikan jasmani . Then , my school had 1 Murid 1 Sukan program. Actually , it was really best . There were many activities that held such as netball , tennis, volleyball, ping pong and many more. I played netball . It's been long time i don't play it. My team got second place. Actually, we lost to form 2 team .  Such a shame . LOL. btw, the second place was good too . ngee ~ Then , i got to take the present infront of pupil . Oh God! thanks god nothing bad happen . The present were snack, biscuits and soda ice .  I think that all i want to write today , hee ~ see you again :)

polaroid. at last !: Sunday, July 31, 2011

                                                           *polaroid credit to : abg nye kwn *
: Sunday, July 17, 2011

my husband . LOL

u-kiss in 8tv !: Saturday, June 11, 2011

waaa ! tadi tgk u-kiss kat 8tv live kot. suke gile ! udah la terjerit-jerit depan tv tu .kekeke.
I luv youu lahh !
Siti nur sakinah baharin:

tuu kinaa . lawa kann pluss comell. kawan sehati sejiwa saya. rindu lah time ngan kamu. susah same2 semua same2. serius rindu gile. bile lah boleh kite mcm tu lagi weh ?

credits: 1 2 copyright © a little memory
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